Save Bradford Hospital

“Our mission is to support and promote the creation of an economically viable, easily accessible full-service healthcare facility or facilities for everyone in the Bradford area.”

Mission Statement

Site Contents


Reflections and brief informational articles written by our Steering Committee members and guest contributors on all issues related to healthcare in our region.

Steering Committee/Contact Us

Information on our group’s leadership and the experts and healthcare professionals advising and supporting us. Also information on how to contact us and get involved in the fight to protect our community’s health, safety, and economic future.


A running list of events we are sponsoring or participating in. Events will include informational town hall meetings, large public events for the community, and opportunities to get your hands on a yard sign or tee shirt to show your support. Sign up for our Google Calendar and never miss a Save Bradford Hospital event!

Legalities and Financial Information

A collection of important legal and financial documents related to BRMC, made available to the public in a convenient central location. Find out more about how we got here, the economic impact of our hospital before and after it was targeted for closure, and more.

References and Links

A list of resources, tools, and links to important information about the state of healthcare in our region, the history of the situation at BRMC, and other related matters.